Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Loving England

Hi everyone,

It is time to report as I am receiving quite a few inquiries as to where and what I am up to.

Kylie and I looked at each other when she dropped me at the airport, heavily laden with Bike Friday in case and panniers chocabloc. We laughed and hugged.  "Can you manage it all?" she said. This was it, my big overseas trip. I would have to manage now. Too late for second thoughts!

Shrink wrapping the Bike Friday at Brisbane airport.

35 hours later I arrived at cousin Harry and Pam's house in st Neots Cambridgeshire. I was ever so glad to spot Harry waving from the crowd of people waiting at Heathrow Airport to collect the weary travellers.  Out into the cold night air, around 1 - 2 deg C. Harry  ran me along the undergound tunnels whisked me down a very steep elevator where I missed getting my 25kg case on the step squarely and just managed to prevent it plummeting to the bottom. Phew! After 3 trains we arrived at St Neots and had to carry my bike case up the stairs over the track to where Pam was waiting with the car.

 Pam and Harry have been absolutely so many ways. I was welcomed into a cosy relaxed home base with delicious home cooking and local knowledge with advice or information on all kinds of things. So fantastic. They even help me search for my mislaid  items of which there have been several.

I have greatly enjoyed their company and that of  all the Hawkins cousins I have met. Pam's 70th was an occasion to meet even more of Mum's family. An interesting and friendly bunch. All good fun and wonderful to discover family that I had never met.

                                         Cousins Harry and Martin with me in the middle

In England I just love:-

The zillions of daffodils and many other spring flowers I see everywhere I go.

The footpaths that interweave the entire country in towns and farmland. They are obviously geared up for lots of walking here.

The compact villages leaving so much farmland to remain as that.

The many collies, spaniels dalmations and terriers romping  happily off lead along the commons in every village with their typically English country dressed owners.

The variety of English accents, especially the childrens.

The friendliness of almost everyone.Whenever I open my mouth they know I am an Aussie.

The old National trust buildings and all of the steeples landmarking every village, town, and city.

Thatched cottages.

The architecture of ordinary roof over hangs...steep pitch to let the snow slide off. Often attached in rows and you step straight out the front door onto the footpath.

Harry showed me around St Neots and I was soon zooming around on my cycle or walking along the common by myself. He took me on a tour of Wimpole Hall. We enjoyed an open double decker bus tour of Cambridge, an amazingly interesting city with 35000 cyclists riding around.

My son Mick visited and he and I cycled out there 80kms or 52 miles round trip through gorgeous green English countryside. Brisk but sunny except on the way back when we were a bit chilled whilst changing my flat tyre. I managed to lose my new Barclays  bank card in the Cambridge marketplace. After some frantic running around I had it back. In a frantically busy city, some kind soul handed it to the nearby branch. How lucky am I ?

Harry took me into London. Whilst he attended to his affairs, I toured on an open top double decker bus.The frenetic pace was an eye opener. I enjoyed observing it all from my vantage point. An incredible assortment of colourful people, the buses, taxis and places such as London Bridge, The tower of London and so many other ancient and famous places. The cyclists take their life in their hands in London. So dangerous and they don't even wear helmets.

All was okay until Harry and I tried to find each other afterwards.

I went to our arranged meeting place and rang Harry. He asked me to walk back to Picadilly. After accidently bypassing it...well famous or not I have never seen it. I rushed through the crowds and tripped sprawling amongst the commuters on the concrete...ouch! Not a soul helped me up. At least they didn't tread on me. People in London I learnt, are obviously too busy to be friendly.

I stood up and spotted the underground entrance across the road and a sign saying Picadilly. That must be where Harry would meet me. Not so. There are many entrances.We got each other on the phone. "Where are you?" we both said. " In Picadilly Circus" ".What buildings can you see?" We could both see the same ones but not each other! "Can you come to Eros?" says Harry. Is that a Greek restaurant or what? "Oh Never Mind says Harry." How was I to know that it was a famous statue right in the middle of Picadilly Circus!
We eventually found each other and escaped but I don't think I am really a London kind of person.

Much more has happened. I hope to catch up within the much to do! xxx

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